Friday, March 4, 2011

Music Appreciation, Sorta- Maroon 5

Well SHIT. I'm super embarassed by this guilty pleasure of mine. Don't expect this post to have any critical response or attempts at technical review. This is about blind appreciation. (Although the 3rd album is definitely more "rock" than "pop" and I think it's a timely progression for these guys.)

I always try to resist Maroon 5's new singles, without any luck. Sometimes I don't even know it's them and I'm like "beebop what a fun song" and five minutes later I'll find out its none other than "Say-Whatever-It-Takes-To-Get-In-Your-Pants-Band", Maroon 5.

I am, however, due for some Music Appreciation, and they have been showing their annoying but bangable faces in my life this week. Especially this SONG that I keep playing on my iPod when I go pump iron. (*Don't worry, I embedded it on the bottom.)

Maroon 5 and I first met in 2002 when my then-boyfriend burned me the first album. This was before it was on the radio 'round these parts, so I thought I was pretty sweet for liking this Hot New Group. Fast forward to 2011 and I've had a long history with these dudes and a crush on their stupid lead singer. Ugh. Selfpunch.

I don't even want to talk about it. Just listen to these songs and imagine me feeling boppy and driving around in the summer with my windows down, definitely singing at the top of my lungs.

I remember thinking this song was super boy-bandy. That's probably what keeps me coming back. The fact that they remind me of nsync, if nsync took themselves WAY too seriously. Listen to the beginning of "Out of Goodbyes" if you're not sure you agree)

Back At Your Door
I remember singing this with Mollie at the TEM House. She sang just as loudly as I did and then told me I was a loser for disturbing the "peace" in the house.

I think this one's on the radio right now, but I kinda love it.
Mmmm. Adam Levine. Wait, what? Ugh again.

Bang Bang. They got me. I can't stop listening to it.

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