Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes it feels good to be sad.

I don't have a very hard life, and not a lot of truly difficult things have happened to me

almost none, really. (despite the melodramatic way I act sometimes) (All the time)

But sometimes I get wrapped up in worry.

Or in trying to be perma-happy, entertaining, carefree, laid back.

Or stoic for the sake of professionalism.

And it's a relief to step back from those emotions that I'm conditioned to, the ones I've hung all my interactions on, and feel sad

and I'm lucky because I don't have the misfortune to be wrapped up in GRIEF, or DEVASTATION, like some people have experienced.

but occasionally, feeling sadness, and aching for the things that happen in life feels a lot more honest.

It helps me to appreciate what I have, and how fortunate I am.

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