Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Music Appreciation- Amy Winehouse

I feel pretty stupid for the timing of this post, but I was SAVING the topic for a rainy day and now it's too late. Feels a little bit like this is as good a time as any...

I was first introduced to Amy Winehouse in 2007 when REHAB was all over the airwaves. Basically, I thought it was a stupid song and I didn't like the tone of acceptability in drug and alcohol abuse. I'm no SQUARE or anything (bitch, PLEASE), I just thought she was condoning something I view as a concerning topic (which it obviously is, which we can see from her demise).

But in December, when I was searching for a Christmas present for my most musically inclined sister, I heard that Miss. Winehouse had been praised for her talent and thought my sister might enjoy they style- however, I still didn't give much credence to the music on my own.

THEN I started dating this guy, and among his not-so-redeeming musical interests, he pushed me to listen to Amy Winehouse. Early on in my relationship with him, we watched her concerts online, read articles about her, and lamented her unfortunate and unusual celebrity life. I found her voice helped me to pretend I was a famous pop-star when I sang along, and her lyrics were UNIQUE to all the other things I was listening to. Some of the themes were similar, but her words were obviously based on her reality and life experience, rather than contrived and scripted by someone else.

Over the past 4 years, she's become a go-to in my musical taste and selection. Despite all of her personal drama and clearly downward spiraling path, I was completely unprepared for her death a few weeks ago. I just kept thinking that she would continue on the brink of death for the next several decades, in and out of half-hearted rehab attempts, and creating dramatic and soulful music for my iPod-- and the CD player in my car :)


If you weren't a fan before, you probably downloaded something on iTunes, or at least revisited REHAB on Youtube in the past few weeks. These are a couple of my favorites (which I already owned, because I'm a TRUE fan...) (true fan > regular hussy)

Tears Dry on Their Own

Valerie (Mark Ronson)

Cherry (A very short little song)

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