Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Note: I feel pretty self involved about this post. I doubt you will find this useful or hilarious. But a post is a post and this blog has been lacking in that department lately.
A challenge I'm faced with currently? Knowing to voice my genuine opinion. I usually think I have good intuition and am generally correct in my assessments (self-righteous much? Yeah, but check my track record). Kaylyn once called me her "Opinionated Friend", which I sort of resented, but maybe it's also sort of true.

The trouble with voicing your opinion is that (surprise!) other people have opinions, too. When in casual conversation, how do you voice your opinion against their opinion without looking like a prick? And as a counter thought, is it better to agree and nod along even when you don't agree? I'll take "Opinionated Friend" over "Argumentative Friend". I don't need to be a pot stirrer, and in fact, I find myself more often supporting the opinion of whoever I'm speaking with. "Yeah, yeah, you're right! I see where you're coming from, it's totally unfair." It's just easier and people like to feel justified, myself included. Especially?

So when you find me being blatant and unveiled in my statements, it's because I honestly believe that the opinion matters. That it will impact your life in an important way. It is not the objective to be offensive, and I don't think I typically just blather on, spouting off my every judgement. If I'm wrong, feel free to gently inform me of that.

But in a situation when someone is making an important choice, or when there seems clearly to be a more reasonable position, why would I be untruthy about it? Why would I agree, justify and allow the other party to continue on a misguided path? And the trouble is, it's an OPINION that the path is misguided. And their opinion may be different. Which can cause an disagreement. And that's bad news. I hereby apologize for any disagreements caused by my opinion, even if I'm not sorry I said it. (#SorryImNotSorry)

There's a balance between the two, and I just have to find it and then practice it. But until then, believe me- I only voice my opinion because I want happiness for the people who make me happy.

Side Bar:
When I was in 5th grade, I ran for student council. My dad told me that when writing a speech, every time you use the word "I", you lose a vote. I haven't done any serious research or read many case studies supporting that idea, but it's sort of a rule of thumb I keep handy. (Thumb, handy? haha) But really. If this were my 5th grade student council speech, I would lose all of my followers, including myself, and then some. Poop.

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