Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Three pictures of my life

Ever have a moment where you feel suddenly freed? Like you're on top of the world and you can capture any dream?

Yeah, not really. It's a busy life! Those of us who are interesting have lots of hobbies, ideas, plans and projects always in the works. Today, I have a glimpse at that "free" feeling. I'm not sure if it's the right number of cheese slices, or the gym visit during lunch, but today I have the energy and gumption to write a few words.

Generations of sorority family at our Centennial Celebration!

I realized that many of my favorite bloggers- the people who sparked my interest in this medium in the first place- have given up the hobby. What's that? A busy life! So true and as we get a little older, the coping mechanism of sharing your life with anyone who will listen becomes less appealing.
Our "locally hand painted" masterpieces

This blog is nearly extinct as well, but I do read what others are writing and try to find a little time to post a few things every now and again.
Podunk bar on vacation this summer

As a favor to myself and to anyone out there feeling the loss of favorite bloggers (not that I'm anyone's favorite, but I'm making a point here), blog on! I hope all is well in your blogless lives and that you're squirreling some vittles away for the cold upcoming winter months.

That's it. That's all I've got. I'm spent. Whew!

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