Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Day in the Life

A real life text conversation between me and Jake...

S: Let's go fill expired meters with quarters later...
J: And take pictures of it.
S: And post it online so we can get credit for our good deeds...and in our scrapbook (duh) so that our great great great grandkids will know what good people we were.
J: Yes. And start a blog about how awesome we are so that every person in the world is forced to know too.
S: We'd have lots of material. We could take pictures of you holding the door open for me, and of me filling your car with gas...we could hand out $2 bills to homeless people and chew their food up, for the ones who don't have teeth.
J: I like this idea.

Is this funny? I think Yes. Or, we might just be a couple of A-holes...

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