Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Post

The Sun is showing its face again, I ate cheesecake at lunch, and tonight is game night. Happy Friday!

{one} what was your favorite sitcom growing up?
I always enjoyed FRIENDS. We didn't have cable when I was being reared, so I missed out on a lot of those shows people my age fondly remember.

{two} what song always makes you happy when you hear it?
For the Longest Time, Billy Joel. It took me a minute to choose, but the answer is so clear!

{three} do you still have your wisdom teeth?
I only had one to begin with, and it's been gone for about 6 years. R.I.P. Wisdom Tooth.

{four} what is your go-to way to relax?
Hiding in my room with a movie on my computer and falling asleep. I'm an excellent stress-sleeper, but I do always wake up feeling better. Also, a super-hot and very long shower.

{five} do you play any instruments?
Nothing very well these days. I can read music. I played piano as a kid, and ze clarinet for about 10 years. I bet I could still play if I picked it up.

{six} nude beaches: yes or no?
Yes. I've never been to one, but what's the harm? From what I understand, it's a pretty nonchalant experience. Who likes tan lines, anyway?

{seven} do you chew your pens/pencils?
Not usually. Sometimes the clip on a pen.

{eight} can you change the oil in your car?
How funny you should ask- I was just talking about this. I bet I could if I car is low to the ground, so I have to get jacks, and that's the hard part. I've seen the oil done so many times, I'm sure I could figure it out.

{nine} can you curl your tongue?

{ten} can you knit or crochet?
I'm a very competant knitter, and even know a few fancy moves. I've been at it since I was eight, however- I should really be better than I am.

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