Monday, February 21, 2011

Wedding Style. Or Not.

Is anyone else completely overwhelmed at the prospect of planning a wedding?

I've been thinking a lot the past few days about wedding planning. Maybe it's because Lauren's bachelorette party is coming up or maybe it's because I'm getting antsy for wedding season, looking at the four Save-the-Dates on the wall of my cube. Whatever the cause, Ive been thinking about it. And what I've been thinking is that it seems completely overwhelming and I don't want to do it. It's so much pressure to get it all right!

To paraphrase Perfect Couples, a wedding is the stylistic representation of your entire life. AH! I certainly do not have a specific style, nor have I spent my entire life (or more than about 6 hours total, ever) focused on "the wedding of my dreams".

Fashion and style: I find it very intimidating. In high school I always skipped over the Fashion Section of Seventeen and Cosmo. It was boring to me. Maybe when I FINALLY move out of my parents house, into my first apartment (Can you believe I'm mid-20s and have never lived in an apartment? I've never even paid utilities.) I'll start to develop a sense of style. So far, I've had the restriction of dorms, sorority houses, and my parents. I've never really been permitted to decorate according purely to MY design scheme.

It ties back to the wedding planning issue. I've rarely experimented with different colors, textures, accessories. I don't know how to do it...I can't get my head around creating an event that represents my style- which is essentially nonexistent.

Are there other unfashionabe girls out there who feel this way?

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