Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bachelorette Party. With a Side of Bitch.

Last weekend was spent in Indianapolis for Lauren's bachelorette party, which included:
massages, facials, nails
champaign, vodka, wine
presents, sexy outfits, tiaras
rotiserie chicken, penis cupcakes and queso

The Bachelorette is one of my very best friends from high school, but now she lives in an exotic foreign country, so I never get to see her. The best part of the weekend might have been the QT she and I had during our six hour, round-trip drive.

I'm excited to be one of her 'maids in June!

P.S. Who the frick takes SIX HOURS to get showered, curled and dressed, especially when everyone else is ready and waiting? And delays playing bachelorette games, opening gifts and getting to the bars before the cover is $40 because you're STILL putting on makeup?

P.P.S. The douchey guys at the bar? I don't care how much money they have. They're still douchebags, and I won't cuddle up to them just because they "have a LOT of f***ing money". If they want to "kick me out" because I won't play Genital Tag with them, I'll be happy to go. Your plan is wrong if you'll act like a dumb bitch for the attention of an asshole with money.

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