Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Oscars, Final Installment


The King's Speech basically swept, which it deserved because it was an excellent film. It's just too bad that a few of the other films didn't get the recognition they deserved.

Tom Hooper's acceptance speech was great.

Melissa Leo needs to get a grip.

The Academy Awards are not a place for politics, and I don't understand what's so hard about that.

James and Anne were not good hosts. I had such high hopes, their opening monologue was cracking me up. But Anne was so fakey (she could not muster a real laugh for ANY of James' jokes, and what was with all the costume changes?). James only made me laugh because of his disinterest. Maybe he was nervous, maybe he was high, but either way, he didn't offer anything dynamic.

A lot of my predictions were right! Yesssssss.

Natalie Portman's outfit was so much better/more flattering/prettier than whatever junk she was wearing at the Golden Globes.

Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman are probably sick of being the only australian actors in this country. (Also, what was with all the Hugh Jackman jokes from the hosts?)

And lastly, watching TV with my mom is painful. We have DVR, woman. We can use it! It's OK if we chatted during the acceptance speech for best live action short!

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