Thursday, March 10, 2011

Columbus Wins, Like Charlie Sheen

Way 2 Go Columbus. Rackin' up the population numbers.

"Data for Ohio show that the five most populous incorporated places and their 2010 Census counts are Columbus, 787,033; Cleveland, 396,815; Cincinnati, 296,943; Toledo, 287,208; and Akron, 199,110. Columbus grew by 10.6 percent since the 2000 Census. Cleveland decreased by 17.1 percent, Cincinnati decreased by 10.4 percent, Toledo decreased by 8.4 percent, and Akron decreased by 8.3 percent." -via

Let's not talk about the fact that Ohio lost 2 seats in Congress, and that the increase for Columbus doesn't account for the big perentage losses in other cities. I'm just saying that Columbus is where it's at.

Jake and I are either going to Hound Dogs and The Big Bang Bar tomorrow with friends, or to a play at the Wexner Center with each other. We'll see which option wins (I'm hoping for the play, because it's Fancier and I'm a snob). For now, you can be in suspense about what sort of exciting weekend I might have ahead of me!

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