Wednesday, April 20, 2011

5 Questions to Generate Positivity

Because I'm having such a delightful day, I wanted to include all of you in some positivity. We can thank Tyler at GenY Journey for some insight about asking the right questions when you're looking at the face of an ugly, mean, smelly situation (which I'm not, but he is, and you might be, too)

Even if you don't write it down, take a moment to think about these five questions and your answers.

1.  What am I most happy about?
In this moment, I'm most happy that I got my return package mailed back to Victoria's Secret and I can get those ill-fitting swimsuits off my credit card!

2.  What am I really excited about right now?
I'm really excited to pick Jake up from his class tonight, and get to the gym.

3.  What am I really proud of?
I'm proud that several big projects at work are coming together well, and they're getting positive recognition. I always put a lot of pressure on myself, especially at work, and it feels good to know that my efforts are worth the outcome!

4.  What am I grateful for?
I'm proud that it finally feels like my skill set is starting to be realized at work...having only been here for six months, my director and I have been feeling each other out to figure out the specifics of my role. Weight feels lifted now that I'm able to shine a little!

5.  What am I looking forward to?
I'm looking SO forward to next week's Girls Vacation to Charleston. It's much needed, and will be a great chance to connect with my friends.

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