Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meet the Rocky Balboa of Beach Week Training...

I mentioned yesterday that we're taking a Girls Vacation to Charleston, SC next week. As excited as I am, I'm feeling a little nervous about the prospect of hitting the beach. So, I'm going to the gym.

Today I woke up at 6:28, had an egg and got to the Y at 7:00 a.m. That's crazy. Morning Stephanie is very unmotivated. She likes to be in bed, where it's warm and soft and there's either a cute boy or a cute dog curled up next to her. Today, Nighttime Stephanie made a rare early morning appearance and got me to the gym for an hour before going to work. I am, indeed, patting myself on the back for this. Jake didn't think I could do it. My mom didn't think I could do it. And so, the Rocky reference (a movie I've never seen, but can definitely clarinet the shit out of the theme song...)

My workout generally consists of a variation on the following:
10 minutes stretching and warm up (rigorous, ballerina-type warm-ups)
10 minutes of push ups, crunches, yoga poses
15 minutes weight training, usually just arms
15 minutes on either the elliptical or bike.

Then I walk around for about ten minutes, pretending I might do something else (SOMETIMES, if I'm trying to be a show-off, I'll do some lunges or something...but this is rare) and then I go home.

Today I tried a new machine during my Weight Training portion: The Chin Up Assister
That's not what it's called, but I did some assisted chin ups, which were HARD. I set the resistance to match my body weight. The Y-Guy employee told me a few weeks ago that this is the best way to work ALL your back muscles.

I'm hoping to get skinny and beautiful by going to the gym every day for the next six days before our trip and ingesting only water, dust bunnies and crumbs. Maybe celery if someone accuses me of an eating disorder. (Joke. Bad Joke? Oh, sorry.)

Follow my simple instructions and you could be skinny and beautiful, too.
(results not typical. may lead to cholera, balding or death. Ask your physician before participating in Stephanie's Killer Awesome Rocky Workout Routine)

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