Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Avoidance and What I Love This Week

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I'm loving last night's book club: We were able to engage with the book in a way that we haven't done in a long time. It had a lot to do with the book selection (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close), which has so many layers and ideas. The protagonist gives such a heartfelt perspective. And it didn't hurt that we had a kitchen full of deliciousfood varieties

I'm pre-loving tonight's massage: I need to stay busy this week. It's crucial to my sanity. What a convenient week to be completely booked! And any time you get to have a massage is a good time.

I'm loving my college advisor, Denise: She and I met today to catch up about my job and her travels. She always reassures me and provides good advice. Her personality makes her easy to talk with and I value her opinion highly. Plus, after going through three incompetent advisors during my early years at school, she is a Gem. 

I'm loving decaf coffee: Feeds my need for warm and comforting beverage, without getting me so hopped up and crazy. Whoever invented it is cool in my book.

The sparkle pens I've been using the past few days: I bought some pens in a pinch and they have sparkles in the plastic part. First I gagged, but then I found out they write really well. No sparkles in the ink, just black and heavy. (When I say "I gagged" I mean I didn't realize the sparkles at the store but was secretly thrilled when I noticed at home.)

That's it. Glad to have plenty of things to keep my mind occupied and positive :)

1 comment:

  1. massages are a must in my book, thanks for reminding me I need to schedule mine! =)
