Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This is Career Habit #1

Do you use StumbleUpon? If you're in your 20s, with lots of super-important interests and too much time on your hands, I'm sure you do.

StumbleUpon directed me to this little item called 30 Habits that Will Change Your Life. Quite the claim, but I looked it over. Among things like "drink water!" and "clean up after yourself!" I spotted something of potential value:

Well, lookie here! I already did that! But my question is, will a personal blog actually help my career? I tend to think not. In fact, if anything, I feel like it could be the opposite (especially since my boss "caught" me writing this

Another question comes to  mind: Is blogging so essential to creating a strong career path? When did that happen? (If the answer is 1994, don't tell me.) Plenty of people blog and "get noticed" because they have a unique viewpoint, therefore establishing a blog-based career. Several of my friends have blogs that feature their career accomplishments and portfolio projects. But am I convinced that the habit of blogging will develop a stronger employee- especially if my blog is about stuff like what I did last weekend, vampires, and love-life dramas?

What I do think I can gain from blogging, in a career sense, is an honest perception of my personality. As an employer, one would have the privilege of getting to know my interests and communication habits by reading my blog before hiring. "Will she fit in here?" (yes). It also helps me practice my writing skills...and this writing may seem silly, but as someone who is practiced in the art of AP style, journalism, news writing, and business-speak, I like having another style and audience in my repertoire.

Plus, it helps me practice editing. Spelling 'n grammar 'n stuff

And getting back to the beginning of this post, who DOESN'T know to drink water and clean up after themselves? The Internet is always providing me with such useful information. Additionally, if you (somehow) don't use StumbleUpon, but you have time to read this blog (and in turn, probably lots of other blogs) you may want to check it out.

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know I'm still waiting for the post about the girl at The Saloon lol. You were a total badass & I think everyone needs to know that (as if they didn't already!)
