Monday, August 29, 2011

New Theme- Hot Mess Monday

Well, I did such a great job of burying my feelings last week-- it's no surprise that this week they're burying me.

After an action-packed weekend, I went to bed last night sad. Really sad. It probably didn't help that I was so tired from all the laughing, drinking and kayaking I did all weekend. My life is awesome, right? With or without him (for the record, I'd prefer WITH).

And I woke up sad. Breakfast was hard because it was the cereal that HE likes (so unbelievably trivial). I sighed heavy gusts of sad all morning. When I got to work, I burst into tears. I couldn't stop.

I had to take a long lunch to go home and feel bad for myself. Stupid! I hate that.

And I have to remind myself: Nobody died. I've been through this before. I will live. I will feel better eventually. But eventually won't be soon. Eventually is a time that is too hard to think about because it will mean he's not part of what I am. More tears.

Also, what bummer I've been lately. Because my life is SO hard. You, too, should probably take a long lunch to go home and feel sorry for me. I might be a little bit like that character from Mean Girls. You know who I'm talking about. I just have a lot of feelings today.


Side bar: I always think she looks a little like Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed.


  1. Lemmie know if you care to chat. I can tell you about my mole. :)

  2. i thought for sure that's who it was in the picture!
