Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Not a Recap. Except a little bit.

As an absentee "blogger", I am a wild success! I win awards for being the least engaged or engaging documenter of life. A year-end recap is not interesting to me. A holiday recap is not interesting to me. So...no posts til now.

My 2012 resolutions include
Keep being awesome
Don't get fat
Learn how to tie knots like a boyscout

That last one is fake, because what use do I have for that skill?

NYE was a good time. As you know, it can be a letdown, but this was the 2nd consecutive successful New Year's Eve in a row.

Here are a couple-few pictures of what I did all month:

We visited Libby and Emily in Cincinnati. Yes, my eyes are closed. No, I did not crop anyone in...

Friendship and Good Looks Holiday Celebration at Basi Italia

Not my baby.
Nappy Hair for NYE.
So, this did end up being a bit of a recap. Whoopsie. Happy 2012, can't wait to share all my latest and most exciting adventures with (mostly no one) you this year.

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