Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fashion Post

Hey y'all.

I was sicky-poo yesterday so I left work, got some extra sleep and today I'm feeling pretty good! I'd like to make a post about fashion because...because. That's why.

1. A few blogs I follow have been doing a 30-for-30 Challenge, where they must choose ONLY 30 articles to wear, and they must be mixed/matched for 30 days. This includes shoes, accessories, work clothes, weekend clothes, all of it.

This makes me laugh because I'm pretty sure my entire wardrobe exists as a fashion challenge.
  • I have about 4 pairs of dress pants and one black skirt. I wear them every week.
  • I also have about 10 shirts that I rotate and change up with one of my 3 necklaces or a scarf.
  • I have 3 pairs of shoes I wear to work regularly.
  • I rotate between my 2 favorite pairs of jeans, the same work shoes, a pair of boat shoes and tennis shoes.
  • During my "down time" I have about two sweatshirts I wear and 2-4 long sleeve t-shirts I've been donning all winter.
How many pieces is that? 34. I have lived my entire winter in only 34 pieces. 30-for-30? Try 35-for-90. Not much of a challege if you ask me...

2. Today I'm wearing a brown belt that I never wear because I don't have shoes to match it. My sister is home on Spring Break, and she has a pair of boots that match my unmatchable belt!

So, as is my M.O....I stole them. I feel so trendy in my new belt and stolen shoes!

Wish I had a camera that I could upload to my work computer so you could see how sexy* I look today.

*Disclaimer: My eyes are bloodshot from feeling unwell, my hair is atrocious and needs serious professional attention and I'm wearing the same pants as yesterday (which is OK because I only wore them for a couple hours before I went home sick...nobody will know the difference!) (I hope...)

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