Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oyster World: An Inspired Day

Today I'm hopped up on Coffee and feeling like the world is my oyster (despite the horribly glum weather outside, and last night's tornado warning). Several weeks ago, I started following this woman on Twitter, and her schtick is that she's an HR specialist for college students and young people starting in the workforce. A lot of what she talks about isn't quite up my alley (what I wish I knew when I started college, how to land a job before graduation) but some of her things talk about setting goals, how to take advantage of new opportunities and tips to improve your character during a job search or interview. A lot of what she tweets are articles written by other people, and are just as helpful (if not more) than anything she puts out herself (hehe, she puts out). Twitter: @heatherhuhman Website: Check her out, especially if you're a 20-something like me. You might find a little inspiration to amp up your career objectives. A lot of what I've read is relevant in my daily interactions. Some of it is great to store away for later, and I've even printed a few "15 reasons" or "Top 10" lists to keep posted at my desk for inspiration! Another reason for my upbeat, go-getter day is Columbus Monthly magazine. My director has subscriptions to all kinds of things to keep us up on current events, and today's read had babies on the cover! Six babies, actually, the first set of sextuplets born in central Ohio. The mag also had beautiful, kajillion-dollar houses, restaurant reviews and Alli from The Bachelor in the fashion section.

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