Monday, July 18, 2011

Do I Smell like Kitty Litter?

Hello Monday. Another weekend has passed; it was both productive and enjoyable. I "moved in" to my new apartment, which means that I painted and took a bunch of the heavy things over like furniture and boxes of junk that I should probably throw away because they never get a glance until it's time to move them to a new locale. (Apologies for run-ons. They are representative of the true nature of my thoughts. From this point forward, I will refer to those as Fun-On Sentences because they are so exciting and jam-packed with fantastic information!)

Picked up an over-sized couch for my under-sized apartment from Jake's mom, AKA, the Birthday Girl. (The Olive Garden hosted us for a delightful late lunch yesterday [leftovers for work, yeehaw!] and Graeter's $1.41 scoop special inspired a trip for Birthday Ice Cream.) Also bought a breakfast table on a whim. I made sure to check the return policy because buyer's remorse is my intimate companion.

Jake magicked the couch and table through the door of my apartment while I was re-parking the truck. I don't even know how he did it.

I still have a little painting to do, some rearranging and, oh yeah, none of my clothes are there yet because they're in a ten foot pile at my parents house. Sorry Mom and Dad. I promise you didn't raise me to be a slob, I'll be more organized at my Savvy, New, Semi-Bachelorette Pad (which is awesome except that the whole building smells very vaguely like Cat. I don't like cats. How did this scent go unnoticed prior to moving in???)

No weddings for a few months. Weekends feel so different without them...

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