Friday, September 16, 2011

Show Stoppin', Pill Poppin'

For a while, I was pretty sure the water cooler at work was poisoning me.

It seemed like every time I drank it, a headache and stomachache immediately followed. I would put my head down on my desk in agony. Often bottled water or purified water hurts me. I guess I'm just a hillbilly and like the grime and grit that comes out of the tap. Drinking too much "clean" water makes my throat sore, and gives me pains.

But what I didn't realize is that I only drank the water-cooler water after lunch. And you know what I did with that water? Swallowed my after-lunch pills named contraceptive, multi-vitamin and GELATIN.

Gelatin? Yeah, you heard me. I was just trying to be sexy and have luscious hair and thick nails. I heard that gelatin helps. But what actually happens is like in the Sixth Sense when (spoiler!) that woman poisons her daughter and no one can figure out why this girl is so sick. And then she dies. So I stopped taking gelatin pills.

Isn't it silly what I'll do to myself to get "the look"? Generally, pill-popping makes me a little nervous. What did people do before they had their pain killers and antacids? They dealt with it. They toughed it out, made healthier choices and EVEN lived through a headache. Can you imagine? SURVIVING A HEADACHE?

My soapbox for today is: Don't take pills if you don't have to, because you'll get poisoned.Other stupid pills I've taken? Diet pills. In college. They didn't work, and I still don't look like Heidi Klum. Or whoever is a sexy super model these days.

Enjoy your weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Biotin. It's a natural supplement that helps the proteins in your hair and nails. Proven effective, and I used to take it every day (until I ran out and became lazy and poor to buy more). BUT it wont make you sick, AND you can get it at like, Krogers.
