Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Brilliant Exercise Plan

Remember when I used to be all about Zumba? And then remember how I stopped talking about any exercise all together? We quit Zumba a few months ago. It was an easy choice, because our favorite instructor had to take some time off, and the other instructors just didn't make it worth our while. They took it way too seriously, and did all the dumb dances. As opposed to the cool Zumba dances....this may be an oxymoron...

Anyway, in the absence of Zumba, my friend and her fiance developed a work out plan that shames you into hitting the gym.

Workout for 30 minutes, 5 times a week.
5/week= $0
3 - 4/week = $5
0 - 2/week = $20

Put your monies in the jar if you failed to work out. At their anniversary, they'll take whatever money they have and that's what the spend on celebrating. Everybody wins. But really, you lose if you're lazy and don't make the effort.

Jess and I decided to modify this plan to our low-roller lifestyle:
4/week = $0
3/week = $1
2/week = $5
0 - 1/week = $10

Not as lofty, but adding a little competition to your workout helps incentivize your desire to get off the couch. Who wants to pay money for no reason? You're losing your hard earned dollars and staying flabby.

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