Thursday, February 12, 2015


On being tough:

What does it mean to be tough? Not to let your emotions show? To be firm in the face of adversity?Holding others to high expectations?

Not backing down?

How can you be tough when someone continues to bring you down?

When is a relationship too much and when do you speak out? When do you stop being tough and start asking for help?

The past month has been tough. It's been tough because it's been relentless. It's been tough because there have been manic highs and depressive lows. It's been tough because there is no easy way to escape.

When you hit that wall and can't see past it, it's hard to be tough. It's hard to keep your head from dropping down in frustration, sleeplessness, anger or hurt. It's hard to start each day facing it, and trying to keep the "real" you under wraps, to behave with dignity.

It's also tough to be tough when you see the deconstruction of others around you. When you can't protect friends from mean words or unfair expectations.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. Also, you are awesome. You inspire me daily!
