Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Kissing

So here's a thing. First-kissing is a godawful terrible invention from the pits of hell. Just thinking about it makes me want to hide under my desk with a blanket over my head. Or push someone square in the face instead of kiss them, which I did once in high school. Which we really shouldn't talk about, because it's embarrassing for everyone.

I intentionally avoid eye contact.
I talk (loudly and awkwardly) through the appropriate moments, on purpose.
And then I think "wow, thank god I didn't have to kiss anyone, that was a close one." Whew!

Ask PJ about this. He was my FIRST first kiss and he loves to talk about what a pain in the ass it was (it being me). He's either super tricky or super lucky that he got me to put my face on his face. Probably tricky. We went out for FOUR WHOLE MONTHS and only kissed that one time. Prude? No. Poop-your-pants-scared. Nobody wants to kiss someone with poop in their pants.

What I'm saying is: Read This. It's from Joanna's blog, but it's commentary about first kissing from...BOYS! ewwwww!!!!

Ok, anyway. It looks like I'm not alone in this debilitating fear and these dudes provided some charming perspective.

Wow, she's hot.

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