Friday, June 24, 2011

French Wedding

I am completely amazed right now.

One of my best friends, Lauren, got married. You may remember her from her February bachelorette party.

But here's the thing. She got married in France, and I got to see it. From my desk in these here United States.

She had a lovely American ceremony and reception last weekend with her now-husband Matthieu (I may post photos soon...we'll see how ambitious I feel), but for legal purposes, they wanted to have a formal French ceremony as well. And I opted not to go to France. But I got to see the ceremony, thanks to the best man, Yohann, and the complete miracle of technology. I can hardly believe it. Seeing a wedding LIVE from a different country?

I wish I would have taken a screen shot during the ceremony, but I was all teary eyed and delighted that Lauren and Matthieu were officially married. He's good people. I'm so happy for them!


  1. That is amazing!! P.S. I love your outfit last night... not to be a creeper or anything.

  2. That is AMAZING that you got to watch it on the computer, Stephanie!! Ahh, modern technology rocks. :)

  3. That's so cool! It's weird because we are thinking of doing something like that for my Grandma's because they won't be able to travel to cbus for Kev and I's! I'm glad to know it works nicely!
