Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh sad, I'm not funny.

Throughout my life, some of my best material comes out of panic, anger, frustration or surprise. My tantrums and manic behavior are helpful in making my brain produce comedic sentiments and "funny-beacuse-it's-true" smarts.

And when I started this blog, I was the funniest girl on the block. Maybe in all of America. But in the weeks since I have become a single woman, I find myself struggling to capture those gems of hilarity in the quick, dry, and poignant way on which I pride myself. I very much appreciate and enjoy that version of this girl.

So either being single makes me too emo-lame to be funny, or I was in the throes of a two-year tantrum that sparked venomous humor and dramatic flair. And I know being single doesn't make me sucky, so it must be the tantrums. I miss the humor and drama, but it's probably good that I'm no longer tantruming. No longer do I feel attacked or trapped in a confusing dynamic of "your life is a mess but you make me laugh." I don't have to defend my TOTALLY NORMAL opinions on things in a way that makes me lose my mind.

In conclusion, I'm sorry if I've lost my ability to share my anecdotes in a gut-busting manner. Maybe one day I'll get manic again. But I'm going to take my lack of Previous Tantrum Awesome (Awetrum? Tansome?) and turn it into a Different Kind of Awesome. A kind where I keep my sanity and lose my humor rather than the other way around. Big picture, it's probably better that way. Sorry if you hate me now that the Boring has set in.

here's me, free of the shackles of insanity:

Sidenote: When I Google searched "no longer insane" a bunch of pictures of Rory Gilmore came up. And I love those Gilmore's. What does it all mean?

Yes, I WOULD makeout with any of you. How could one NOT?

1 comment:

  1. Even just the title of this post made me laugh... so I think you're funny!
