Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I could cry.

I know everyone has days. Days where they feel less than, in whatever way. Mike and I got engaged a few months ago, and over the weekend, we had our engagement photos. I was so excited, and felt beautiful and well styled when we walked out the door. For three days, I've waited impatiently to see all our romantic and carefree engagement photos.

Today our photographer posted a "preview" on Facebook, and I could cry. I have not felt so self conscious about my appearance in nearly a decade. I hate all but one picture. I told Mike he's marrying a gremlin. I know I have better looking days than others, and I know that everyone has moments, but I am so embarrassed about the photos that are posted. I want to ask her to take them down.

Mike agrees that she didn't pick the best ones. But as we were leaving that day, she told us she took over 480 pictures of us. If those are the best of the best, I am horrified. And now, not only am I self conscious, embarrassed and crushed, I am anxious and worried about our wedding photos. I want to feel beautiful on my wedding day. I want to look back and think about how glamorous I felt that day. But the engagement photos have scarred me. I will spend the whole wedding day worrying about how stupid and ugly my pictures will be.

Even on my worst days, I don't feel as disgusting as I do right now.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Steph. This makes me sad. You are so beautiful, but you're right, we all have our days. I could keep telling you how gorgeous you are, but it probably won't change how you feel right now. So, are you able to go through all of the photos from your engagement session? Did you hire her for your wedding already? Feeling beautiful on your big day is so important! And photos are obviously a very important reminder of the love, beauty and goodness of that day and they need to be amazing. I want you to be happy with your wedding pics! I know you will be beautiful, but you have to feel it. My BIL is a photographer if you want another engagement session - on the super cheap. I had two engagement sessions because I didn't like the first one. And I still am not super happy with our wedding photos. I actually have more photos up of our relive the moment photo shoot that happened a few years after we were married where we got dressed up again. Pictures are so important. Take some time to think about what's going to make you happy on this day. Is it a new photographer? Is it another engagement session to make you feel better? Nothing is too silly to consider. You want to remember your engagement and wedding in the best way, not being self conscious and hating all your pics. Please don't cry! I heart you!
