Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday

Halloo out there! It's Friday. My colleagues and I have lost our minds, singing in the halls and being generally silly.

Here are some things to look at this weekend:

If you haven't read the actual Winnie the Pooh books, you should. Pooh's philosophy is so heartwarming and true. I read it in college in a class about DEATH because it was the professors way of "evening things out" :)

A day at the zoo- support a charitable cause!

An article to remind you not to let the man get you down, and that you are awesome!

I love this blog when I'm trying to make sure my design aesthetic works. This one, too.

This miniseries is my favorite combination of humor and darkness.

Mike and I don't usually celebrate Valentine's day so instead we're going here for the weekend to celebrate our friend Libby's 30th birthday.

My Valentine

1 comment:

  1. Pooh is an absolute, certifiable god of wisdom. All of his quotes are spot on! Bless his honey-covered heart!
