Thursday, March 26, 2015

Viral Bikini Mom

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Is anyone else sick of the internet world giving wild accolades to women who DARE to wear bikinis after having children? I am, obviously, but not because I don't think these women should wear whatever they want, not because I don't think their confidence is great.

I just think that we should stop making a big deal of women who are "ballsy" or "shameless" or "unapologetic" about their bodies. Where is it written that women MUST FEEL SHAME as it pertains to their appearance?

I understand what it feels like to be uncomfortable in your skin. I understand that not everyone is pleased with their body- I've been there! But why must we continue to act as though we EXPECT women with children, which may have resulted in stretch marks or softer bellies or more delicate abdominal muscles to be embarrassed, ashamed, and covered up?

If you don't want to wear a bikini or two piece bathing suits, don't. But if you want to, you should. You should not feel like you are required to be embarrassed of the body you have. You can just wear what makes you comfortable, or if you actually, god forbid, feel indifferent or proud of the way you look.

I'm so annoyed by the media impression that it should be innate for women to be apologetic about their bodies, post-baby, pre-baby, no baby, whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! I wouldn't say my body is bangin' post 3 pregnancies, but I HATE the way I look in a one piece, and I don't want to wear one, so why should I have to? If you don't like seeing my stretch marks, you can go jump in the ocean. Word.
