Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Get. That. Dirt off yo' shoulderz.


One of my preferred listening websites for work day music is Songza. Songza lets you choose the type of music you'd like to listen to for a time of day or mood, and for election day, I discovered the options below:

You can choose music that "represents" election day. I obviously needed to know what Songza thinks each candidate is listening to today as they anxiously await the results tonight (hopefully tonight and not sometime six or eight weeks from now...)

Anyway. Songza has declared that Obama's choices on a Sunday drive are Al Green and Jay-Z. Romney is obviously a huge fan of the Beach Boys and...Brandon Flowers? I wouldn't have guessed that. Either way, I'd like to know who researched and verified these options. In an effort to remain unbiased, I've listened to both stations. On the conservative side, I do try to pick up on good vibrations. Conversely, I find myself feeling like a pimp most days.

I already voted. It's a huge weight off my shoulders. I've done my part, and now it's in the hands of democracy! Also, no more political ads.

TGIED (Thank God It's Election Day)!

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious and I did not know about that website- I will have to try it! Just as a side note, Brandon Flowers is lead singer of The Killers, right? If so, he is Mormon and that is probably why they put him on the playlist;-)
