Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tips for Tulips and Other Fleurs

Ever get some flowers and feel disappointed after a few days when they start to look droopy? My friend Craig is a hobby-florist and shared this great tip:

Stick a needle through the stem, about one inch from the bulb. I know, it feels a little murder-y, but just give it a whirl. When you remove the needle, air from the stem is released, and water can get to the bulb again, perking it up within minutes. You can actually see it happen!

Easter is coming up, so there will be lots of tulips to practice on.


  1. I think if there was a language for the thoughts that go on inside my head, that language would be called "Stephanie Perry." You should be a font, at minimum. I start reading this and I'm like "Stick a needle through it? Sounds pretty murdery Steph" and then YOU SAID IT, that very phrase. Like what? Get out of my brain.

    1. I would love to be a font! Who can I hire to make that happen??
