Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Mike and I are getting married in a few days. Ten, so I'm told. We haven't yet picked vows, and that's on our TO DO list for this evening.

Wedding vows need to be timeless and true and profound, right? Yes. I say yes to that one- cheesy inside jokes are not what I hope to hear at a wedding ceremony. That said, there are so many things I want to say to Mike that aren't quite so eloquent.

1. Thank you for continuing to call me when we started dating and I ignored your calls and acted like a too-cool-for-school meanie.

2. I promise I'll try not to put my cold body parts on you when you're trying to sleep

3. I'll try to remember that you don't like to be poked in the ribs, no matter how much fun it is for me to see you jump.

4. Thank you for letting me watch all of the murdery shows I'm into these days. I hope someday to return the favor. But not quite yet, I'm still REALLY into the murdery shows.

5. Thank you for not commenting on my appearance when we both know I don't look that good.

6. Thank you for spending time with my family. I think you like them- if not, you're doing a great job of hiding it.

7. I promise to love your family, even when I'm annoyed or sleepy or hungry.

8. I promise to give you space when you're feeling introverted and to remember not to take it personally.

9. I vow to not spend all of our money on dumb stuff.

10. Thank you for not getting too upset when I sometimes spend SOME of our money on dumb stuff.

11. I promise I'll avoid mom-jeans (sweatpants are all that fit me right now!)

12. I'll try to stay in shape because I know fitness and health are important, but also, being not gross is important to our marriage.

13. I promise to cook for you as often as I can because I know it makes you feel cared for.

14. I promise that you won't have to do my laundry, if you'll promise I don't have to do yours.

15. I promise to put my face on your face in a sign of friendship and love.

16. I promise to hear you when you need to talk, and see you when you don't have the words to say what's on your mind.

17. Thank you for letting me be a grump and for letting me be silly

18. Thank you for sometimes pouring me a glass of wine when I'm on the way home.

19. I promise to let you do Dad Jokes, no matter how much I want to lie on the floor and cry about it.

20. Thank you for saving money so we can retire, even though I don't believe in retirement.

21. Thank you for being a goof and for having good oral hygiene. You are a good example to our future children.

22. I hope my kids are like their dad (which is you, obvs)

23. I vow that I will always TRY TRY TRY to be a tidier person.

24. I will respect your decisions, and support you in seeing them through.

25. I promise to bug you about getting a dog every day.

26. I vow to be your P.I.C. for all of the adventures you want to have.

And more. All the things.

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